- In progress or near future:
- completely new 68k assemble handling (ASM)
- removation of all bugs (I hope :)
- nonfpu floats
- more optimizations
- this will probably appear only for PowerPC code, because 68k starts
to be obsolete for AmigaOS4 or later
- automatic preset return values to avoid dull errors
- more of object oriented programming
- inteligent optimizations
- to be more "fool-proof"
- Library compiling
- 68040/68060 math libraries
- In plan:
- AmigaOne/AmigaOS4/5 support
- Virtual processor support
- PowerPC AltiVec support
- VisualD interface
- Debugger
- Get some (small) money for it
- Better manual (this is the most dificult :)
- To be modular (eg.: add a module to generate code for other processor)
- link libraries with useful functions
- audio/video/picture loading/playing/showing/saving
- 3d functions for 3d games
- In vision:
- Enterprise support (NCC1701D or later requied :)
- This I will probably never do:
- Windows95/98/2000/3000/4000/NT version
If you have some ideas, send me an e-mail.